Here is a list of the foods I always have on hand in my fridge, cupboard and on the counter.
Today, our supermarkets are full of processed foods that are high in sugars, salts, and fats. Our bodies have become conditioned to crave more of these foods, and now many of us have developed an addiction that is difficult to control. I find one way to control these addictions is to have a list on hand when I enter the grocery store and stick to it! Healthy food that feeds your body and heals it can be found in the produce aisle. You should spend the majority of your time and money in the fruit and vegetable section. Anything that is in a box or a can should be purchased sparingly.
Not only am I vegan, but I am also gluten free so I find a lot of my meals consist of fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, nuts and seeds. However, I recently found a bread made by Little Northern Bakehouse that is gluten free and vegan that really tastes delicious. My favourite kind is the Millet and Chia bread. I prefer this bread when it is toasted. I tend to eat the bread with my mock chicken salad sandwich mix, tofu egg scramble or just plain peanut butter and jelly combo. I don't like to eat it too often though as it is processed and made in a factory, but sometimes it's nice to have a sandwich or toast with my vegan meals. Remember, everything that is processed, in a box or a can should be eaten sparingly.
